Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Showing off our new baby

It has been a while since our last post since things have gotten really hectic down in S&B's headquarters with all of our relocating office and showrooms and stuffs. It was a tiring month and our showroom aka our new baby is finally open for business! Well, perhaps calling it our baby is a little bit of an exaggeration but we worked hard to make it beautiful and now, we are showing it off to the world!

Come come take a quick lookie!

Granted it looks a tinyyy bit messy but Sense N Bedeck aims to turn this showroom into a one-stop hub for all of your home shopping needs so there you go! With our lightings, ceiling fans, bathroom and kitchen accessories all in one room, our shoppers no longer have to drive, walk, search or shop very far for anything. 

Beware. It will be overwhelming on the eyes of the first time shoppers here, there is simply just too many products around! But take your time in shopping (we've prepared loads of comfy couches for you. Lol) and you might just find a hidden gem or love-at-first-sight display that you absolutely must have in your home <3

Ta-daaah. Have you fallen in love with our new showroom yet?

Our new address is City Warehouse, 5 Kaki Bukit Rd 2 #01-19 & #02-19, Singapore 417839 (the pinkish red building directly opposite of Eunos Link Comfort Driving Center). Yep, we have literally just moved next door from our previous location so feel free to park your car for free in Eunos Warehouse Complex, 3 Kaki Bukit Rd 2, and just take the short 2min walk over to our new showroom! 

We do have a (somewhat hidden) staircase at our Level 1 which you can use to get to our showroom located on the 2nd level, Unit No #02-19. Alternatively, you can ride the warehouse's cargo lift up. 

Either way, we look forward to seeing you here real soon! Share our excitement and pride in our new baby with us! Haha. 

PS. Our office number stays the same. Give us at call at 6741 1889 for any inquiry that you may be having. 

Stay tune to our upcoming post that helps you to know what is going/went wrong with your ceiling fan.

"The fruit of your own handwork is the sweetest."  - Deepika Padukon